This is a long section but quite even, therefore most pilgrims find no problems completing it. After leaving Terradillos, the Camino follows some paths going into cereal fields towards Moratinos and San Nicolás del Real Camino, located 6 kilometres away from the beginning. It is the last village in Palencia.
Some 7 kilometres later, Sahagún welcomes pilgrims to the province of León with the churches of San Lorenzo and San Tirso. The Camino runs close to the national road, with some areas without any vegetation.
From Sahagún you have two options to choose from. The first entails going straight along the traditional route through Bercianos and walking a rather monotonous path to El Burgo Ranero.
The second option is to take the right fork and head towards Calzada de Coto and Calzadilla de los Hermanillos. You can sleep there and re-join the French Way the following day, at the town of Mansilla de las Mulas.
Tips from our postmen and women
What to do and see in the stage Terradillos de los Templarios - El Burgo Ranero?

“After Calzada del Coto you can check out El Mirador, a very large, old oak tree where legend has it that monks used to climb in the past to monitor what men and women were doing in the fields or while gathering firewood, to make sure that they did not get too close. As for food, I recommend the amarguillos, a typical delicacy made of almonds and the pastas de hierro, delicious artisanal cookies”. María Neri García, Correos of Sahagún".
Accommodations Terradillos de los Templarios - El Burgo Ranero
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Sahagún, en el Camino Francés

Laguna Manzana en el Burgo Ranero, Camino Francés

Etapa Terradillos de los Temparlios - El Burgo Ranero del Camino Francés

Señalización en el Camino Francés rumbo a El Burgo Ranero

Peregrino en la etapa Terradillos de los Templarios - El Burgo Ranero del Camino Francés

Camino de Santiago entre Terradillos de los Templarios y El Burgo Ranero

Etapa Terradillos de los Templarios - El Burgo Ranero del Camino de Santiago Francés